News/Press Releases


  • Today, @AmerGeriatrics awards Dr. Anil Makam (@AnilMakam) the Arti Hurria Memorial Award for Emerging Investigators in Internal Medicine focused on #Geriatrics #AGS22

New York, NY (April 15, 2022)—The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) and the AGS Health in Aging Foundation announced today that they will confer one of their newest honors on Anil N. Makam, MD, MAS, Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) School of Medicine. Dr. Makam will receive the fifth Arti Hurria Memorial Award for Emerging Investigators in Internal Medicine Who are Focused on the Care of Older Adults at the AGS 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting (#AGS22), held May 12 – 14 in Orlando, Florida (pre-conference day May 11).
“Across his body of work, Dr. Makam’s cutting-edge research is at the intersection of geriatrics, hospital medicine, and post-acute care, specifically focusing on the role of long-term acute care hospitals (LTACs),” noted AGS President Peter Hollmann, MD, AGSF. “Like the namesake for this award, Dr. Arti Hurria, his passion is evident in his work—in his case, for evidence-based medicine and critical appraisal of the clinical scientific literature.”


  • Today, the @AmerGeriatrics names @UCSFGeriatrics 's Dr. Helen Kao #Geriatrics Clinician of the Year #AGS22

New York (April 13, 2022)—The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) today named Helen S. Kao, MD, as its 2022 Clinician of the Year. Dr. Kao, who is Medical Director of Clinical Innovations at Lumina Hospice & Palliative Care, and Adjunct Professor at UCSF School of Medicine, will be honored at the AGS 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting (#AGS22) May 12-14 in Orlando.
“Our 2022 Clinician of the Year, Dr. Helen Kao, is an exceptional physician who provides exemplary care through many different care settings with a holistic, patient-centered focus,” said AGS President Peter Hollmann, MD, AGSF. “Dr. Kao’s colleagues have noted that the heart of her practice is preserving the rights and dignity of older adults and supporting their ability to lead lives that are as full and healthy as possible. Even further, she focuses on exploring new technology and other innovations to make care accessible to marginalized people,” added Dr. Hollmann.


  • Congratulations to Dr. Mitchell Heflin of @DukeGeriatrics on being awarded with the 2022 Dennis W. Jahnigen Award for his work advancing geriatrics education. He will receive the award at #AGS22

New York (April 11, 2022)—The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) today announced that Mitchell T. Heflin, MD, MHS, will be honored with the 2022 Dennis W. Jahnigen Award for his dedication to advancing health professions education that enables health care providers in a variety of settings to care effectively for older adults. Dr. Heflin, a tenured Professor of Medicine, is Vice Chief for Education in the Division of Geriatrics and Associate Dean for Interprofessional Education and Care at the Duke University Schools of Medicine and Nursing.
As a Principal Investigator on a prestigious Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Dr. Heflin made lasting connections with many agencies that support older adults. In addition, he has mentored and supported scores of fellows and junior faculty from multiple specialties and professions who aspire to become advanced clinicians and educators.


Dr. Sharon Brangman to deliver the Henderson State-of-the-Art Lecture at #AGS22, Focusing on Diversity in Study Populations and Community Engagement

  • . @sharonbrangman of @UMUGeriatrics, Henderson State-of-the-Art Lecturer at @AmerGeriatrics’ #AGS22, will discuss a diversity in study populations and community engagement.

New York (April 7, 2022)—The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) celebrates Sharon A. Brangman, MD, FACP, AGSF as recipient of the 2022 Edward Henderson Award for her research and clinical achievements in geriatrics, particularly for her work in Alzheimer’s disease, hospice and palliative medicine, depression, and end of life care. She will deliver the Society’s Henderson State-of-the-Art Lecture at the AGS 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting (#AGS22) in Orlando on May 12-14 (pre-conference day May 11). 

Dr. Brangman is a Distinguished Service Professor and Chair of the Department of Geriatrics at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY, and Director of the Upstate Center of Excellence for Alzheimer's Disease (CEAD).  


  • @AmerGeriatrics emphasizes that older adults should follow the immunization recommendations issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to reduce risks from vaccine-preventable illnesses.

New York, NY (April 6, 2022)—Today, the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) recommended that older people follow the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) revised recommendations for adult vaccination.

“Staying current with immunization recommendations is particularly important for adults 65 years old and older, because they are at increased risk of severe complications from vaccine-preventable illnesses,” said @AmerGeriatrics President Peter Hollmann, MD, AGSF. “The coronavirus pandemic has truly emphasized the importance of vaccines in the prevention of disease " Dr. Hollmann added.

Geriatrics health professionals are pioneers in advanced-illness care for older individuals with a focus on championing interprofessional teams, eliciting personal care goals, and treating older people as whole persons. They are in a unique position to offer immunization-related information tailored to the maintenance and reduction of risks related to each individual’s health conditions.

Dr. Amy S. Kelley to be Honored with the 2022 Thomas and Catherine Yoshikawa Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievement in Clinical Investigation at #AGS22

  • At #AGS22, Dr. Amy S. Kelley (@akelleymd) of @MSHSGeriPalCare to deliver Thomas and Catherine Yoshikawa Outstanding Scientific Achievement for Clinical Investigation Award Lecture on Embracing Complexity

New York, NY (April 5, 2022)—The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) and AGS Health in Aging Foundation today announced that the 2022 Thomas and Catherine Yoshikawa Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievement in Clinical Investigation will be awarded to Amy S. Kelley, MD, MSHS, Vice Chair of Health Policy and Faculty Development and Hermann Merkin Professor in Palliative Care in the Brookdale Department of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, and Senior Associate Dean for Gender Equity in Research Affairs at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. 

The award will be presented at the AGS 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting (#AGS22) (May 12-14; pre-conference day: May 11) in Orlando. As a part of the conference program, Dr. Kelley will be delivering a lecture on Embracing Complexity: A Geriatrician's Approach to Understanding Serious Illness.

With Thanks to NIA/NIH, AGS Set to Deliver Cutting-Edge Geriatrics Curriculum & Conferences

  • More than $1 million from the NIA will support the development of a new @AmerGeriatrics curriculum supporting researchers focused on older adults & multiple chronic conditions; and a series of scientific conferences focused on the concept of resilience.

New York (October 7, 2021)—The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) was awarded a new “R25” grant from the NIA that will support AGS partnering with the Health Care Systems Research Network (HCSRN) – Older Americans Independence Centers (OAICs) AGING (Advancing Geriatrics Infrastructure and Network Growth) Initiative to create an AGS/AGING Learning, Educating, And Researching National Initiative in Geriatrics (“LEARNING”) Collaborative.

AGS Publishes Updated AGS Minimum Geriatrics Competencies for Graduating Medical Students

  • .@AmerGeriatrics publishes updated Minimum Geriatrics Competencies for Graduating Medical Students, now framed around the #Geriatrics 5Ms

New York (June 21, 2021)—The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) has published an updated version of the AGS Minimum Geriatrics Competencies for Graduating Medical Students, which were created to ensure that medical school graduates across the U.S. are prepared to provide high-quality care for us all as we age.  A refresh of the original set first published more than a decade ago, the 27 competencies integrate new concepts that have emerged more recently in the field of geriatrics, including frailty and person-centered care, and are framed around five key areas of focus for all geriatrics healthcare professionals.

“The updated competencies reflect an evolution in how we frame the work of geriatrics health professionals, a greater understanding of frailty, and a greater focus nationally on ensuring that care is person-centered and driven by individual goals,” explained AGS President Peter Hollmann, MD, AGSF.  “With these competencies, the field of geriatrics has defined not just what all physicians should know as they embark on their careers but also how they should put that knowledge into practice.”

New AGS President Promises to Seize Opportunity Amid Crisis to Ensure the Health, Safety, and Independence of All as We Age

  • New @AmerGeriatics President Peter Hollmann promises to seize opportunity amid crisis to ensure the health, safety and independence of all Americans as we age #geriatrics

New York (May 13, 2021)—As he dons the mantle of the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) presidency, Peter Hollmann, MD, AGSF, wants his colleagues, older adults, and caregivers to know that he is committed to working with leaders and members of an organization representing more than 6,000 geriatrics healthcare professionals to improve the health, independence, and quality of life of all older people.

AGS Welcomes 15 New Fellows, Recognized for Exceptional Commitment to Geriatrics

  • The AGS honors 15 leading health professionals who joined the newest class of our fellows—a select group of experts recognized for their deep commitment to the AGS and to advancing high-quality, person-centered care for us all as we age.

New York (May 10, 2021)—The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) today honored 15 leading health professionals who joined the newest class of AGS Fellows—a select group of experts recognized for their deep commitment to the AGS and to advancing high-quality, person-centered care for us all as we age.

“We award fellowship to colleagues, like these, who have demonstrated commitment to the field, have contributed to advances in care, and are active participants in AGS activities,” noted new AGS President Peter Hollmann during the business meeting at the AGS 2021 Virtual Annual Scientific Meeting (#AGS21; May 13-15), now available for viewing at

This year’s fellows hail from across the country and reflect the dedication to geriatrics education, clinical care, and research indicative of our Society’s commitment to quality care for us all as we age. They include:

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