Existing Formal Geriatrics Competencies and Milestones
The following healthcare disciplines have formalized geriatrics competencies approved by at least one national organization. Certification in these competencies varies by discipline. Some have formal certification pathways and some do not.
The Association of Directors of Geriatrics Academic Programs (ADGAP)—a component organization of the AGS—provides extensive information on education, training, and competencies for medical students and internal/family medicine residents. Click below for more information.
Looking for information on geriatrics fellowships or geriatrics expertise across other specialties? Click below to learn more about our efforts across medicine.
Geriatric Medicine Fellows
Emergency Medicine |
- Multidisciplinary Competencies in the Care of Older Adults at the Completion of the Entry-level Health Professional Degree (Partnership for Health in Aging)
- Position Statement on Interdisciplinary Team Training in Geriatrics: An Essential Component of Quality Health Care for Older Adults (Journal of the American Geriatrics Society)