Building on the #AGS22 ADGAP pre-conference that was focused on the business case, AGS/ADGAP are offering a webinar series that is focused on Geriatrics and the Changing Landscape of Healthcare launched in Fall 2022. This series will provide an overview of the changing health care environment in ways that impact care for older adults, including geriatrics care and payment models.
The three webinars are:
Webinar 1: Transition to Value-Based Care (Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. ET)
Topics covered included Medicare fee-for-service and the move to value-based care, health plans impact on delivery of care, and the role of geriatrics health professionals in this shifting landscape.
Please click here to access the webinar recording. Please click here to access the slides.
Webinar 2: Disruptors in the Current Environment (January 12, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. ET)
Webinar two focused on the value of geriatrics health professionals in value-based care, the role of medical education in creating early leaders in geriatrics, and the guiding principles for clinician leaders to promote quality and team experience.
Please click here to access the webinar recording. Please click here to access the slides.
Webinar 3: The Participation and Role for Geriatrics Health Professionals in New Models (June 6, 2023 at 4:00p.m. ET )
The third and final webinar will focus on the role of geriatrics health professionals in the new models, impact and role for academia, and emerging career paths for clinicians working in one of these new models.
Please click here to access the webinar recording. Please click here to access the slides.
Joseph V. Agostini, MD, AGSF (Chair)
Chief Medical Officer, United Healthcare Retiree Solutions
United Health Group
Linda V. DeCherrie, MD
Vice President, Clinical Strategy and Implementation
Medically Home
Cheryl L. Philips, MD, AGSF
President and CEO
SNP Alliance
Robert Zorowitz, MD, MBA, AGSF, CMD
Regional Vice President, Health Affairs for the Northeast