The AGS future vision is that we all are living in a just society, one where we are supported by and able to contribute to communities where ageism, ableism, classism, homophobia, racism, sexism, xenophobia, and other forms of bias and discrimination no longer impact healthcare access, quality, and outcomes for older adults and their caregivers. AGS is committed to taking purposeful steps towards achieving our vision for the future and we have incorporated a priority that cuts across all of our programs, products, and advocacy into our strategies for achieving our vision.
Our initial area of focus is on the intersection of structural racism and ageism (ISR&A), as detailed in Future forward: AGS initiative addressing intersection of structural racism and ageism in health care in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS). AGS published a paper in JAGS that provides a framework for understanding the intersection of structural racism and ageism in health care.
This page gathers our work to date into a single resource and that we will update as our work evolves.
Expanding the Geriatrics Knowledge Base
In AGS Future Forward, we announced a ten-year goal of ensuring that research presented at our AGS Annual Scientific meeting and published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society would reflect the diversity of the population being studied
Public Policy and Advocacy
The AGS vision for the future is focused on improving the health, independence, and quality for all of us as we age and where we all have access to high-quality, person-centered care informed by geriatrics principles and free of ageism. We are incorporating language in our recommendations to Congress and the Administration about our vision for a future where ageism, ableism, classism, homophobia, racism, sexism, xenophobia, and other forms of bias and discrimination no longer impact healthcare access, quality, and outcomes for older adults and their caregivers. Here, we list documents from our policy portfolio that contain specific recommendations regarding the intersection of ageism with other types of bias and discrimination.
Updates on our Work
AGS is committed to updating our members, partners, and stakeholders on our progress in this work. Updates to date include: