ADGAP is developing a business case toolkit for members to make the business case for geriatrics at their academic institutions. An exclusive ADGAP member benefit, the goal of this toolkit is to create a compendium of proven strategies and communication tools (e.g., slide decks, spreadsheets, economic arguments or analyses, evaluation of entering risk-based contracts) developed by ADGAP members for use at their own institutions to share with other Program Directors. We are actively looking for ADGAP members with tools and strategies to share – both those that were successful and those that sizzled. Tools can be for any point in the arc of a program (e.g., obtaining C-Suite buy-in, start up, sustainability). Do you have a tool to submit? Please click here to complete the toolkit form. This form provides background information (e.g., key stakeholders, arguments for change, challenges, formulas) that you used to make the case for a new program/idea or expansion of an existing service. Please provide as much information as possible, but you don’t have to complete all comment boxes if some are not applicable. The Business Case Toolkit Workgroup Members will work with you on refining your tool to share nationally.
Ready to submit a tool or have questions? Contact Anna Kim ( or Marianna Drootin (
Lisa M. Walke, MD, MSHA, AGSF (Chair)
Chief, Division of Geriatric Medicine
Associate Professor, Perelman School of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
Nimit Agarwal MD, FACP
Internal Medicine and Geriatrics
Banner University Medical Center-Phoenix
Stephen J. Bonasera, MD, PhD
Chief, Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Care
Baystate Medical Center
Anthony J. Caprio, MD, CMD, AGSF
Program Director, Geriatric Medicine Fellowship
Chief Division, Geriatric Medicine and Department of Family Medicine
Atrium Health
Kellie L. Flood, MD
Associate Chief Quality Officer for Geriatrics and Care Transitions, UAB Hospital
Professor, Division of Gerontology, Geriatrics, and Palliative Care
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Marissa C. Galicia-Castillo, MD, MSEd, CMD, FACP, AGSF, FAAHPM
John Franklin Chair of Geriatrics
Director, Glennan Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
Program Director, Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship
Eastern Virginia Medical School
Jonathan K. Leer, MHA, MSA, CHFP
Division Administrator
Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Rebecca L. Trotta, PhD, RN
Executive Director, Abramson Family Center for Nursing Excellence
Director, Nursing Research and Science
Director, Geriatric Nursing
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Jeremy D. Whyman, MD
Program Director, Harvard Medical School Multicampus Geriatrics Fellowship
Division of Aging, Section of Palliative Medicine
Division of General Medicine, Instructor in Medicine
Harvard Medical School