When Women Rise: Social Sharing Kit

When Women Rise

Putting power and potential behind gender equity in health care isn’t just common sense. It’s critical to the future of health, safety, and independence for us all as we age, so says our new position statement on achieving gender equity in geriatrics. Use this social sharing kit to raise awareness as we work to achieve a simple truth: “When women rise, we all rise.”

Sample Social Media Posts

Use these suggested posts on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to emphasize why supporting gender equity in geriatrics is so important to care for us all as we age.

Don't forget to include a link to the new AGS position statement by adding bit.ly/WhenWomenRise to your post!

  • Address discriminatory practices & pay discrepancies. Provide family & medical leave. Advance women in leadership positions. We can all do our part across health care fields to create workforce #GenderEquity. #WhenWomenRise #Geriatrics bit.ly/WhenWomenRise
  • "We believe in a future in which everyone who chooses a career associated with the care of older adults is treated equally." So says @AmerGeriatrics position statement on ending #GenderDiscrimination in the workforce--more at bit.ly/WhenWomenRise #Geriatrics #WhenWomenRise
  • #DidYouKnow: The gender wage gap in #geriatric #medicine is around 15%. It's time to #CloseTheGap! bit.ly/WhenWomenRise #Geriatrics #WhenWomenRise
  • Women comprise 80% of the workforce caring for older adults. Let's support #geriatrics direct care workers and everyone working toward better care as we age by demanding #GenderEquity in all fields. #WhenWomenRise bit.ly/WhenWomenRise
  • How can we work together to achieve workforce equity for women in #geriatrics? See @AmerGeriatrics roadmap to combat gender discrimination: bit.ly/WhenWomenRise #WhenWomenRise

Don't forget to include our official hashtags:

Sample Graphics

The images below are sized specifically for use on Twitter and other social platforms.  Feel free to share them by saving copies to your desktop or by clicking here to download versions of your own.

Don't forget to include a link to the new AGS position statement by adding bit.ly/WhenWomenRise to your post!














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