Educational Planning

The PEEC has delegated the responsibility for planning educational programming to the planning group that is responsible for that program. The PEEC oversees the work of these groups by reviewing their work at its bi-annual meetings and providing feedback to each group on how to improve its processes and develop content. In general, each group follows these steps when planning CME programs:

  • consideration of needs assessment data (evaluation of past events, participant requests, emerging data, expert opinion)
  • identification of the desired outcome (e.g., provide information on trends in Geriatrics, assist clinicians in preparing for board exams, improve training and research skills)
  • consideration of the scope of the program
    • for live programming, single/multiple sessions, type of space available, logistical arrangements, available resources, expected attendance
    • for enduring materials, dissemination strategies, available resources, target audience
  • identification of faculty best qualified to present chosen topics
  • identification of educational methods to be used in conducting the activity based on desired outcome, anticipated attendance, available facilities, and subject matter at hand (e.g., lecture, case-based, small group)
  • development of learning objectives
  • for live programming with multiple sessions, schedule development
  • development of programmatic materials
  • development of an evaluation plan


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