The AGS Board provides fiduciary oversight for the Society and works collaboratively with the CEO and staff to advance AGS priorities. The Board is responsible for setting the strategic direction for the society, responding to emerging issues, interpreting the organization’s mission to the public, and establishing and maintaining programs relevant to the Society’s strategic vision.
Interested in serving on the AGS Board of Directors? Click here.
( New Directors denoted with * )

Board Chair, 2024-2025
Elouise Ross Eberly Endowed Professor
Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing, Penn State
Donna’s goal in her research and service is to improve the care of older adults, persons with disabilities, and their care partners. She is best known for her NIH funded work on mentation, delirium superimposed on dementia (DSD) and ultra-brief delirium detection at the bedside. Along with Dr. Marcantonio and their team, she has transformed the way clinicians approach delirium and DSD. Donna co-leads Age-Friendly Care-PA working with an FQHC, Primary Health Network, and interprofessional teams to spread age-friendly care to rural older adults in PA. She is a member of the National Academy of Science Forum on Aging, Disability, and Independence and she serves as a faculty and advisory member on Creating an Age Friendly Health System Initiative with the John A. Hartford Foundation and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Mark Supiano, MD, AGSF
President, 2024-2025
Professor and Chief, Geriatrics Division
University of Utah
Mark is a geriatrician at University of Utah Health where he also directs the Center on Aging. His clinical interests include providing comprehensive geriatric assessment consultations with a particular interest in high blood pressure and disorders of blood pressure regulation. Throughout his career, Mark has responded to the demographic imperative of aging in his clinical practice, in conducting patient-oriented clinical research, and in medical education. He previously served on the Board of Directors for ADGAP and is currently on the editorial board for the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Paul Mulhausen, MD, MHS, FACP, AGSF
President-elect, 2024-2025
Chief Medical Director
Iowa Total Care (West Des Moines, IA)
Paul is the Chief Medical Director at Iowa Total Care, a health plan serving Medicaid beneficiaries. Paul has over 30 years of experience in healthcare. He is board certified in both internal medicine and geriatric medicine, and is an accomplished clinician, medical educator, and advocate for safe, high-quality care. He is a widely-recognized expert in the care of older adults and other vulnerable populations, providing leadership to numerous stakeholders in the healthcare community.

Alison A. Moore, MD, MPH, FACP, AGSF
Treasurer, 2024-2025
Professor of Medicine and Chief of Geriatrics, Gerontology and Palliative Care
University of California San Diego
Alison is a geriatrician and a public health researcher whose work focuses principally on older adults who use alcohol, cannabis and other substances. She also has interests in gerontechnology, health equity, aging and HIV. Alison has a passion for research training and mentorship and in 2019, she was awarded the UC San Diego Health Sciences Faculty Excellence in Mentoring Award. She is also deeply committed to caring for older adults and mentoring others to do the same.

Judith L. Beizer, PharmD, BCGP, FASCP, AGSF
Secretary, 2024-2025
Clinical Professor
St. John’s University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Judy is a clinical professor at St. John's University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and clinical pharmacist at the Stern Family Center for Rehabilitation in the Northwell Health System. She provides clinical pharmacy services for sub-acute rehabilitation patients, and precepts pharmacy students and residents on rotation. Judy has long been an active AGS member, having served on the AGS Nominating Committee, the AGS Public Policy Committee, and the expert panels that developed the 2012, 2015, 2019, and 2023 AGS Beers® Criteria. She also serves as consulting editor on pharmacotherapy for the AGS’s Geriatrics Review Syllabus.

Steven Barczi, MD, FAASM*
2024-2027, 1st Term
Professor, Division of Geriatrics, University of Wisconsin
Acting Director, Madison VA Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center
In Steve’s 30+ years of his career, he has worked to develop and disseminate competency-based, interprofessional education products and approaches; mentored early career geriatricians and other clinicians, especially with a DEI lens; and enhanced elder care by promoting new care models. As a geriatric medicine fellowship director for 23 years and past chair of the AGS/ADGAP Fellowship Program Director’s Group, Steve has been able to work with many educators negotiating regulatory and educational requirements together. His AGS work includes being a member of the Teachers Section, Chair of the AGS Education Committee, being AGS representative for the Alliance of Academic Internal Medicine, and serving on the ADGAP Board of Directors.

Marie Boltz, GNP-BC, PhD, FAAN*
2024-2027, 1st Term
Elouise Ross Eberly and Robert Eberly Endowed Chair
Professor, PennState Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing
Marie’s career in geriatrics includes work as an educator of interprofessional students and as a clinician and administrator in primary care, long term care, acute care, and community-based care. Marie continues to work with interprofessional teams on NIH-funded research and programs such as the Pennsylvania Teaching Nursing Home Project and Age-Friendly Care, PA, a collaboration between the Penn State Ross College of Nursing and the Primary Health Network. Her service to AGS includes serving on the Clinical Practice and Models of Care Committee, the editorial board for Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS) and the Journal of Geriatric Emergency Medicine, and an associate editor for the AGS Geriatric Nursing Review Syllabus (4th- 7th editions).

Reena Karani, MD, MHPE, FACP, AGSF
2024-2027, 2nd Term
Director, Institute for Medical Education
Professor of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, Medicine and Medical Education
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Reena is a clinician who has cared for patients for over 20 years with a commitment to maximizing their independence and quality of life, an educator who is passionate about the integration of geriatric medical education into health professions training across the continuum, and a strong advocate for health equity, anti-racism and justice. An AGS member since 2001, Reena has volunteered in several roles, including as Chair of the AGS Education Committee, a member of various mentoring programs, a dedicated research abstract reviewer, and Chair of the 2019 Annual Meeting Program Committee. In 2006, she developed the Medical Education Paper Session for the AGS Annual Meeting, and, over 15 years later, it still serves as an annual opportunity to showcase the best scholarship in geriatrics and palliative care education.

Lisa Miura, MD, BSN, FACP, AGSF
2023-2026, 1st Term
Geriatric Medicine Fellowship Program Director
Oregon Health & Science University/VA Geriatric Medicine Fellowship
Associate Professor of Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University
Lisa’s path to geriatrics began with her first job as a patient feeder in a long-term care facility and influenced her to become a registered nurse, ultimately attending medical school to become a geriatrician where she confirmed a career-long commitment to the care of older adults, geriatrics promotion, research and education. She serves as the Fellowship Program Director at the Oregon Health & Science University/VA, is a member of Association of Directors of Geriatrics Academic Programs (ADGAP) and participates in the AGS Virtual Mentor Match. She is the longest continuous board member of the Oregon Geriatrics Society and is currently serving as Co-Chair of the AGS Women in Geriatrics Section. She was elected Co-Chair of the Council of State Affiliates in 2023 and in this role also serves as a member of the AGS Board of Directors.

Susan Parks, MD
2023-2026, 1st Term
Division Director and Associate Professor
Thomas Jefferson University (Philadelphia, PA)
Susan joined the Department of Family and Community Medicine in the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University in 1994. Appointed Director of the Geriatrics Fellowship Program in 2002, Susan helped enhance the popularity and prestige of the fellowship program. Since 2006, Susan has also led the development of palliative care services at Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals. More recently, she also helped develop an outpatient geriatric practice dedicated to providing patient and family-centered care for older patients.

Neil M. Resnick, MD, AGSF
2022-2025, 2nd Term
Thomas Detre Professor of Medicine and Chief, Geriatric Division
University of Pittsburgh
As a geriatrician with additional training in urology, Neil helped to pioneer the field of geriatric voiding dysfunction. He founded America’s first Continence Center, and his research led to a paradigm shift in the understanding and management of incontinence and of other geriatric syndromes too. It also helped to lay the groundwork for national and international guidelines from AHRQ, Medicare, and the WHO. In addition he has served as a Medicare Innovation Advisor; Chief of Geriatrics at both Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the University of Pittsburgh/UPMC; and as past director of the fellowship program as well as the training core of the University of Pittsburgh’s NIH Pepper Center.

Ramona Rhodes, MD, MPH, MSCS, AGSF, FAAHPM
2024-2027, 2nd Term
Associate Director for Health Services Research
Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center, Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System
Ramona is a geriatrician and researcher who is passionate about examining disparities in health care for older adults and those at the end of life. Previously an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center, she currently serves as Associate Director for Health Services Research for the Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center of the Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System and Associate Professor in the Department of Geriatrics at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Ramona joined the AGS as a member in 2006 and became a fellow in 2013. She has served on the AGS Ethics Committee as a member, as vice-chair, and now chair. She is also Section Editor for Ethnogeriatrics and Special Populations for the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Caroline A. Vitale, MD, AGSF
2022-2025, First Term
Professor of Internal Medicine; Director, Geriatric Medicine Fellowship Program
Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School
Associate Director, Education and Evaluation
VA Ann Arbor Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center (GRECC)
Caroline is involved in geriatric curriculum development, teaching and mentoring within medical and interprofessional education, both as the University of Michigan Geriatric Medicine fellowship program director and through her role as the Associate Director for Education and Evaluation at the Ann Arbor VA Geriatric Research, Clinical, and Education Center (GRECC) . As a dedicated AGS member, Caroline has served on the AGS Ethics Committee for over ten years and is proud to have served as Ethics Committee Chair. Committed to enhancing the quality of life of all older adults, Caroline is especially focused on areas within Geriatrics that include ethical decision-making, geriatric education, and efforts to understand physician and interprofessional roles in care decisions affecting older adults, especially those with dementia.

Heather E. Whitson, MD, AGSF
2022-2025, First Term
Professor of Medicine, Ophthalmology, Neurology, & Head and Neck Surgery and Communication Sciences
Duke University
Duke Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development
Heather is an internist, geriatrician and clinical investigator. Her overall goal is to optimize independence and resilience in people with multiple chronic conditions and she has particular expertise related to how the aging process and comorbidities affect the brain. She co-leads the PRIME Collaborative, a multi-institutional research initiative to identify mechanisms and predictors of recovery after common health stressors (e.g., surgery, hip fracture, vision loss). Through several institutional and national leadership roles, Heather coordinates and facilitates efforts to broaden the evidence base and research workforce to improve knowledge and care decisions for medically complex older patients. In addition to the roles above, she is Co-Director of the Duke/UNC Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center.

Megan Young, MD
2023-2026, 1st Term
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Section of Geriatrics
Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
Megan provides primary care for older adults in their homes through the Boston Medical Center (BMC) home care program – the oldest of its kind in the country. She is also an Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Clerkship Director for the required 4th year Geriatrics Clerkship at her institution. Her scholarly work is grounded in her love of medical student education and her care for homebound patients. Given that greater than 60% of the patient population she cares for is racially and ethnically minoritized and 25% are considered to have low-English proficiency, she views it as her responsibility to participate in efforts that address such issues and develop strategies to change the status quo. One example of that commitment is to serve as the Section of Geriatrics Champion for the BMC Racial Equity Committee. Within AGS, Megan is concluding her role as Chair of the AGS Teachers Section and as an appointed member on the AGS/ADGAP Education Committee.
Ex Officios

Jan Busby-Whitehead, MD, AGSF
Ex officio
Professor of Medicine
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Jan is committed to the preservation and improvement of older adult health through research that serves to develop and increase the reach of geriatric education. Her research in aging includes preserving musculoskeletal health, mitigating falls in older adults, assessing racial disparities, and developing and testing a treatment program for fecal incontinence in frail elders.

April Ehrlich, MD
Ex officio
Clinical Research Geriatric Fellow
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
April, joining the Board of Directors as an ex officio member representing early career professionals, is currently in her second year of a 3-year clinical research geriatric fellowship at Johns Hopkins University. She has completed her clinical fellowship and is now advancing her research education as a part of the NIA funded Health Services and Outcomes Research for Aging Populations Training T32. April completed her internal medicine residency at Johns Hopkins Bayview and has an academic and research interest in Surgical Geriatrics with a focus on frailty, cognition, and transdisciplinary care and implementation.

George A. Kuchel, MD CM, FRCP, AGSF
Ex officio
Director of the UConn Center on Aging at the University of Connecticut
Travelers Chair in Geriatrics and Gerontology
Dr. George Kuchel is a geriatrician with nearly three decades of clinical, administrative, educational and research experience. He was born in Czechoslovakia, grew up in Canada, obtained his medical degree from McGill University and was a resident in Internal Medicine at the Montreal General Hospital. Dr Kuchel’s research has been highly translational focusing on efforts to discover and validate novel approaches and interventions to maintain health and function in late life. Dr. Kuchel has been an active AGS member since 1985 and served as Deputy Editor of JAGS for eight years. He has contributed to multiple AGS committees and led the AGS/NIA Bedside-to-Bench Conference Series on Delirium, Sleep Disorders, and Urinary Incontinence. He is the current President of the Association of Directors of Geriatrics Academic Programs (ADGAP) Board of Directors, serving as an ex officio member of the AGS Board.

Nancy E. Lundebjerg, MPA
Ex officio
Chief Executive Officer
American Geriatrics Society
Nancy Lundebjerg joined the AGS in 1998, serving the Society in several capacities before becoming CEO in 2015. As CEO of AGS, Lundebjerg positions geriatrics as a leader for health-care professionals, policymakers, and the public by implementing and advocating for programs that support all of us as we age. She earned her Bachelor of Arts from Connecticut College and holds a master’s of public administration from the University of Hartford, where she was a Woodruff Scholar.

Joseph G. Ouslander, MD, AGSF
Ex officio
Professor of Geriatric Medicine and Senior Advisor to the Dean for Geriatrics
Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton, Fla.)
A leading figure in geriatrics with decades of experience helming organizations like the AGS, its Health in Aging Foundation, and some of the nation’s most prestigious health institutions, Joe is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS). In this role, Joe and the Editorial Leadership Team drive strategic vision, focus, and operations for one of the leading and only academic journals dedicated to geriatrics expertise and informing a workforce equipped to meet the needs of America’s 46 million older adults.

Eric Widera, MD
Ex officio
Professor and Program Director
University of California San Francisco
Eric is a clinician-educator whose work focuses on improving the care of older adults through innovative program development and educational innovations. Eric has been the recipient of numerous grants and awards including a Geriatric Academic Career Award (GACA), the Hastings Center Cunniff-Dixon Physician Award, AAHPM Hospice and Palliative Medicine Leaders Under 40 award, the AAHPM PDIA Palliative Medicine National Leadership Award, and the AAHPM Visionary award. Eric co-founded the GeriPal, a Geriatrics and Palliative Care blog and podcast, as well as ePrognosis, an online set of prognostic calculators for older adults. Eric is the current Board of Directors President of the Association of Directors of Geriatrics Academic Programs (ADGAP) and is serving as an ex officio member of the AGS Board.
Steven Barczi, MD, FAASM*
Nothing to discloseDonna M. Fick, PhD, RN, GCNS-BC, AGSF, FGSA, FAAN
Board of Directors: Centre Care Inc., nonprofit nursing home in PA
Member of Advisory Board: Institute for Healthcare Improvement Age-Friendly
Consulting Fees: Slack Inc. as Editor, IHI, Precision Health
Grants: NIH/NIA grants for delirium funded since 2006-present and HRSA GWEP 2019-2024
Expense: IHI
Other: NIH/NIA grants for delirium funded since 2006-present
Marie Boltz, GNP-BC, PhD, FAAN*
Nothing to discloseMark Supiano, MD, AGSF
Royalties: McGraw Hill
Member of the Board of Directors: Spouse: Katherine P. Supiano, PhD - Advanced Palliative Hospice Social Worker Certification Board of Directors (2018-present) & Social Work Hospice and Palliative Network Board of Directors (2016-present)
Grants: NIA
Paul Mulhausen, MD, MHS, FACP, AGSF
Salary: Centene Corp
Expense: American Dental Association
Alison A. Moore, MD, MPH, FACP, AGSF
Member of Advisory Board: NIH
Committee Member: NIH
Salary: University of California
Grants: NIH
Honoraria: NIH
Judith L. Beizer, PharmD, BCGP, FASCP, AGSF
Consulting Fees: Wolters Kluwer, Elsevier
Grants: Biogen
Jan Busby-Whitehead, MD, AGSF
Board of Directors: American Geriatrics Society, Health in Aging Foundation
Member of Advisory Board: Duke GRECC, Mayo Clinic Kogod Center on Aging
Committee Member: AAIM, Joint Commission
Consulting Fees: Rome Foundation (spouse)
Royalties: Cambridge Press
Grants: NIH, HRSA, CDC, Duke Endowment
Honorarium: Pfizer
Expense: Pfizer, Joint Commission
April Ehrlich, MD
Nothing to discloseReena Karani, MD, MHPE, FACP, AGSF
Board of Directors: National Board of Medical Examiners, Society of General Internal Medicine
Officer: National Board of Medical Examiners
Committee Member: National Board of Medical Examiners, Society of General Internal Medicine, Association of American Medical Colleges
Expense: National Board of Medical Examiners, Society of General Internal Medicine, Association of American Medical Colleges
George A. Kuchel, MD CM, FRCP, AGSF
Nothing to discloseNancy E. Lundebjerg, MPA
Officer: Vice Chair, PCPI Foundation Board of Directors; Co-Convener, Eldercare Workforce Alliance (EWA)
Member: Advisory Task Force member, National Transitions of Care Coalition; Advisory Committee member, Cancer and Aging Research Group (CARG); Advisory Committee member CaRe-Align Initiative; Caregiving in the U.S. 2020 Advisory Committee member, National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC) and AARP Public Policy Institute; Age-Friendly Health Systems Advisory Group member, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI); By-laws Committee, Council of Medical Specialty Societies; ClinSTAR Advisory Committee; Deprescribing Network Advisory Meeting; GEDC Advisory Council; USDEN network advisory committee
Lisa Miura, MD, BSN, FACP, AGSF
Nothing to discloseJoseph G. Ouslander, MD, AGSF
Nothing to discloseSusan Parks, MD
Member of the Board of Directors: Local CCRC called the Hill at Whitemarsh
Neil M. Resnick, MD, AGSF
Council Member: COSAR
Officer: President, National Osteoporosis Foundation (spouse)
Member of the Board of Directors: Jewish Healthcare Foundation, Pgh Regional Health Initiative, Pgh Cultural Trust (spouse and I)AGS
Committee Member: AGS COSAR Co-chair
Royalties: McGraw-Hill book: Lange Endocrinology (spouse)
Ramona Rhodes, MD, MPH, MSCS, AGSF, FAAHPM
Nothing to discloseCaroline A. Vitale, MD, AGSF
Nothing to discloseHeather E. Whitson, MD, AGSF
Nothing to discloseEric Widera, MD
Nothing to discloseMegan Young, MD
Nothing to disclose