
Committee service is an opportunity to strengthen and grow your national network, work on projects that you are passionate about, learn new leadership skills, and so much more. Our committee members are leading writing groups, developing tool kits, improving payment for geriatrics health professionals, and participating in efforts to improve diversity in the research that is presented at the AGS Annual Scientific meeting. Committees meet virtually twice a year (typically March/April and September/October).  Committee members participating in subcommittees or writing groups typically have additional meetings and conduct work via email.

Ready to apply for consideration in in our 2025-2026 application cycle? Log into MyAGSOnline to complete the application form and to update your member demographics information. Only those who complete both steps of the application process will be considered as a complete application.  Applications are due January 5, 2026. Additional information can be found here

AGS/ADGAP Education Committee

Mission: To ensure every older American receives high-quality, person-centered care through promotion of geriatrics education for all trainees/students and health professionals.

Description of Work:  Current committee projects include updating of the AGS geriatrics competencies for internal medicine and family medicine residents, overseeing and engaging trainees, leading faculty development projects, collaborating with the AGS Teachers Section, the ADGAP Fellowship Directors Group, and other AGS Committees. 

Chair: Lisa Strano-Paul, MD
Vice Chair: Chandrika Kumar, MD 
AGS Staffer: Marianna Drootin

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Clinical Practice and Models of Care (CPMC) Committee

Mission: To ensure every older American receives high-quality, person-centered care by identifying, developing, and disseminating best practices in clinical care.

Description of Work: Clinical Practice and Models of Care (CPMC) Committee members work with the AGS Annual Meeting Program Committee to review Case Series & Case Studies abstracts for the AGS Annual Scientific meeting, review guidelines and clinical documents from other organizations, and serve as expert responders in quarterly webinars on new research in geriatrics models of care.

Chair: Belinda Setters, MD, AGSF
Vice Chair: Ariel Green, MD, AGSF 
AGS Staffer: Mary Jordan Samuel

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Ethics Committee

Mission: To ensure every older American receives high-quality, person-centered care by improving public and professional understanding of ethical and moral issues intrinsic in caring for frail older adults.

Description of Work: The Ethics Committee is currently developing a statement on advanced directives and feeding tubes in patients with dementia and updating the AGS Unbefriended Position Statement. Recently, with the Public Policy Committee, they led development of a JAGs paper on the Intersection of Structural Racism and Ageism.

Chair: Timothy Farrell, MD, AGSF
Vice Chair: Aruna Josyula, MD, MPH, CMD
AGS Staffer: Mary Jordan Samuel

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Ethnogeriatrics Committee

Mission: To ensure every older American receives high-quality, person-centered care by incorporating an ethnogeriatrics focus into AGS activities through participation in standing AGS Committees.

Description of Work: Our Ethnogeriatrics Committee oversees our Geriatrics Cultural Navigator and the members of this Committee serve as liaisons to the other committees where they provide important perspectives on our efforts to ensure that all of the Society’s programs and products reflect attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Chair: Michi Yukawa, MD, MPH, AGSF
Vice Chair: Brooke Salzman, MD
AGS Staffer: Elisha Medina-Gallagher

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Health Systems Innovations & Technology Committee

Mission: To ensure every older American receives high-quality, coordinated, cost-effective, person-centered care by developing and supporting economic and technologic health system innovation.

Description of Work: The Health Systems Innovation & Technology Committee is currently finalizing an AGS position statement on telehealth policy for older adults to be published in JAGS. They review emerging technologies of interest to geriatrics health professionals as well as older adults’ access to technology using a DEI lens.

Chair: Ariba Khan, MD, MPH, AGSF
Vice Chair: Neela Patel, MD
AGS Staffer: Alanna Goldstein and Anna Kim

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Public Education Committee

Mission: To ensure every older American receives high-quality, person-centered care by promoting public knowledge and awareness of the special health needs of older adults and the role and benefits of quality geriatric health services.

Description of Work: Our Public Education Committee is working with our staff to complete a compendium of public education resources that is based on our Geriatrics Cultural Navigator, as well as providing a full suite of current materials on on vaccinations for older adults. 

Chair: Maryjo Cleveland, MD
Vice Chair: Lisa Caruso, MD, MPH to Vice Chair
AGS Staffer: Aimee Cegelka

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Public Policy Committee

Mission: To ensure every older American receives high quality, person-centered care by providing strategic oversight and planning for AGS public policy efforts.

Description of Work: Our Public Policy Committee oversees the Society’s public policy efforts. To learn more about what we have been up to in 2023, click here

Chair: William Hung, MD, MPH
Vice Chair: Audrey Chun, MD, MPH, AGSF
AGS Staffer: Alanna Goldstein

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Quality and Performance Measurement Committee (QPMC)

Mission: To ensure that every older American receives high-quality, person-centered care by leading AGS efforts to influence pay-for-performance and quality improvement initiatives so that any quality and payment systems adopted reflect the unique healthcare needs of older adults.

Description of Work: Members of the Quality and Performance Measurement (QPMC) review quality measures proposed for use in CMS programs and other organizations and are often nominated to serve as members of technical expert panels, workgroups, and committees convened by the National Quality Forum, Battelle’s Partnership for Quality Measurement, and other CMS contractors (e.g., Mathematica, Acumen).

Chair: Sei J. Lee, MD, MAS
Vice Chair: Claire Davenport, MD, MS
AGS Staffer: Anna Kim

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AGS Research Committee

Mission: To ensure that every older American receives high-quality, person-centered care through the development, dissemination, and application of new knowledge to improve the health and well-being of older adults; To foster interdisciplinary research across the full spectrum of geriatrics and gerontology, including basic biomedical, social-behavioral, clinical, health services delivery, and ethics research.

Description of Work: Our Research Committee oversees the abstract submission and selection process for the AGS Annual Scientific meeting which includes making recommendations to our Awards Committee for some of our key awards. Members of this committee also participate in subcommittees focused on highlighting geriatrics research to the general public, increasing diversity in research presented at the AGS Annual Meeting, and commenting on requests for comment from NIA and other agencies that support research. 

Chair: Cynthia Boyd, MD, MPH
Vice Chair: Sarah Berry, MD, MPH
AGS Staffer: Erin Obrusniak

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Steering Committee

Mission: To coordinate activities across AGS Committees to avoid duplication of efforts and promote efficiency and  facilitate communication between Committees and the AGS, ADGAP, and the Health in Aging Foundation Boards; To serve as a deliberative body in planning for work on areas that cut across individual committee focus areas.
Note: This Committee consists of the Chairs and Vice Chairs from other AGS Standing Committees. Members cannot apply for service on this committee.

Chair: Paul Mulhausen, MD, MHS, FACP, AGSF
AGS Staffer: Denise McAlpin

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