AGS Student and Resident Local Chapters

Considering a career in geriatrics? Want to take your leadership skills to the next level? The AGS is the place for you!  

The American Geriatrics Society provides resources and support to trainees looking to launch an exciting career in the care of older adults. Being an AGS member comes with a host of benefits, including access to our member community of 6,000+ geriatrics health professionals who can provide their mentorship, guidance, and expertise as you navigate your education and career choices. And the best part? E-membership is free for students and residents

The AGS sponsors local student and resident geriatrics chapters across the country where inter-professional trainees come together in their shared interests of caring for older adults. 

What do AGS Student & Resident Chapters do? 

Student and resident chapters work toward the goals of the Society, with a particular emphasis on:

  • Encouraging interest in geriatrics among students and residents in various disciplines
  • Encouraging developments to include geriatrics in the general curriculum, elective course offerings, and multidisciplinary programs
  • Developing educational programs in geriatrics open to the school faculty as well as to local health care professionals
  • Promoting educational activities within community facilities such as nursing homes and senior centers

Benefits of Affiliating Your Chapter with the AGS

  • Access to Student & Resident Activities at the AGS Annual Meeting. Special activities include resident research presentations, trainee breakfasts and interactive sessions. 
  • Access to the AGS National Organization. AGS Staff provides technical support for chapter development and ongoing activities.
  • Access to Leaders in Geriatrics. Through affiliation with the AGS, chapters can get in touch with a national network of experts in geriatrics – many of whom are available to visit schools and speak at local events.
  • Representation in Washington, D.C. The Washington, D.C. office represents all chapters, affiliates, and members on public policy issues.

The Application Process 

  • Students and residents submit a chapter application
  • The Student Subcommittee reviews the application and either accepts the application or returns with clarifying questions. 
  • Once accepted, a $200 stipend is sent to the chapter to assist in funding activities. 
  • Stipend is renewed annually upon completion of a progress report.

Questions about starting an AGS Resident or Trainee Chapter at your local institution? Email

Active AGS Student & Resident Chapters

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