MyAGSOnline is your member portal where you can:
- Easily access valuable member resources such as GeratricsCareOnline and Career Connections
- Ask questions, get advice, and share your knowledge in topical discussions
- Search the directory and network with other members
You can access MyAGSOnline by logging into then selecting MyAGSOnline Community, or going directly to If you would like to change your password you can do so by visiting the Change My Password page to select a new password. If you forget your password, click “forgot your password” at the bottom of the login page and a reset link will be emailed to you.
If you have trouble accessing MyAGSOnline, please contact the AGS Membership Department at 212.308.1414, or select "Chat With Us" below.
You can view and make changes at any time via your profile portal, MyAGSOnline, by emailing or by calling 212.308.1414.
In 2012, AGS membership moved from calendar year to anniversary year renewals. This means that your membership will be valid for one year from your join/renew dates, instead of all memberships expiring on December 31st of each year. This allows you the opportunity to enjoy a full year’s worth of membership before you are asked to renew. To find out when your membership expires, please log in here, or contact the AGS Membership Department at 212.308.1414 or with the “Chat with Us” icon below.
Access to AGS journals including JAGS are available through As an AGS member, you do not need to sign up for a new account. Your GCO username and password are the same as your MyAGSOnline log-in credentials (see info on accessing MYAGS Online above). Once you’ve logged in, go to “My Library” and "Journals" to access your journal subscriptions, your complimentary subscriptions to Geriatrics Evaluation & Management Tools, Geriatrics At Your Fingertips, and any other product subscriptions you have purchased.
AGS members who wish to serve on an AGS committee can apply to serve a 3 year term starting in May of the upcoming year. AGS Members interested in volunteering for committee service will be asked to complete an application and submit a brief biographical sketch, and two recommendations by current Board and/or committee members. All appointments for committee membership (including re-appointments, external liaison appointments, etc.) are made at the beginning of the calendar year. Full Guidelines and application can be found on in the Get Involved section of the website.
SIGs meet in-person during the AGS Annual Scientific Meeting, and many have communities in MyAGSOnline to network and address mutual interests and concerns. A full listing of SIGs along with the day/times that they meet can be found in the AGS Annual Meeting Program. SIG communities in MyAGSOnline can be found here.
You are eligible to apply for AGS Fellowship if you are currently an active member of the AGS and have been for at least 5 years, and you have attended at least 3 Annual Meetings.
Fellowship status is awarded to AGS members who have demonstrated a professional commitment to geriatric medicine, contributed to the progress of geriatric care, and are active participants in the Society's activities. Attaining AGSF status within the Society places members in a specially recognized group of healthcare providers who are dedicated to continuing education in geriatrics, teaching and research. They have distinguished themselves among their colleagues, as well as in their communities and the Society by their service. Their dedication and longstanding commitment to AGS is appreciated by this mark of distinction.
AGS members are invited to participate in the Health in Aging Foundation Geriatrics Healthcare Professional Directory, a free service which provides older adults and caregivers nationwide with a list of geriatrics healthcare professionals in their area. To elect to participate in the service, members can opt in here or contact the AGS Membership Department.
You can view AGS' full privacy policy here.
The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) collects personal data in order to provide benefits and services to its constituents and members. Personal data means any information that allows you to be directly or indirectly identified within our database for AGS membership or transactions with the scope of AGS including the HealthinAging Foundation, GeriatricsCareOnline, Association of Directors of Geriatric Academic Programs (ADGAP) and Geriatrics for Specialists Initiative (GSI). This collection of data is necessary to support our legitimate interests in order to fulfill our educational and charitable mission as a non-profit society. AGS uses your information to better understand your needs and provide you with better service. The AGS respects and values your privacy and the confidentiality of the information you choose to share with us. We are committed to the protection of this information and your rights under data protection laws. AGS provides this online privacy statement to make you aware of our privacy policy and practices, as well as the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available on our homepage and from the bottom of every web page.
Seventy-six percent of AGS member dues is tax deductible.
The portion of AGS dues allocated to lobbying is 1.85%.